My Two Cents

This is my two cents. You'll get it whether you want it or not. However, I won't charge anyone because it may not be worth two cents.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Northern Wisconsin is paradise

As I sit here, waiting for my old friend Steve to join me for lunch at the Little Musky Bar in Arbor Vitae, Wis., I can't help but reminisce a little.

Having grown up in Northern Wisconsin, I always have a love for this area and my homeland, which I usually refer to simply as "The Great State."

First off, for someone who loves the outdoors as much as I do, how can you not love this area. The hunting and fishing this area, and the entire state, offers is incredible. That love of hunting and fishing is not restricted to the taking of game either.

In fact, I'm perfectly content to not shoot or catch anything. A lot of my friends in the Twin Cities and elsewhere have never experienced a loon flying 10 feet overhead, an eagle swooping to pick up a fish within yards of the boat, the sight of a doe gently leading her new-born fawn out of the woods for the first time.

I cannot begin to explain how serene, how much at peace I am, to be up here. My lunch date is the managing editor of Musky Hunter Magazine and responsible for teaching me how to fish for muskies 25 years ago. I would have to write for days to explain how profound that has turned out to be in my life. This trip, in large part, has cemented the closest friendships I have in this world and, for that, I am grateful.

In a few hours, the rest of the boys will arrive for the 21st annual gathering of The Silver Dollar Musky Club. The Trip XXI will be exceptional, even if no fish are caught. To Joe, Bob, Marko and Boli, I thank you for the opportunity to get together every year, for your sometimes infinite patience with my gaffs, and your undying friendship.

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